Small businesses are usually successful because of their people. They may have a specialty product, but what keeps them in business and makes the company valuable within their community is their staff. Business suffers when some of the staff is out. So, do small companies pay their staff sick time, so they get better more quickly, or not pay them, which in most cases forces the employee to come to work, do less than their best, and possibly infect others. Sounds like an easy question…give employees sick time. Unfortunately it is not that easy. A study released in July of 2012 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (yes, a real thing, I looked it up) revealed that 66% of small businesses (less than 499 employees) have paid sick time for their employees, and companies with 50 employees or less, half of them give their employees time.
The real controversy starts when the government gets involved. San Francisco has already enacted an ordinance on businesses when it comes to sick time. Washington, DC, Seattle and Portland all have laws on sick time. Connecticut has a law they enacted. Some believe that these laws are good for employees and ultimately good for business. Others believe that it drives up costs for small businesses, and hurts these companies ability to grow. You can read more of the debate here.
Whatever side you are on, Managepoint has the expertise to help your company come up with a plan, and will be your HR department for training and implementation, as well as payroll, benefits and administration. We do your human resources, so you can do business. Call us today.